Our plans for your strategies

We offer five plan sizes which scales with your business.

Bill Monthly Bill Annually (-20%)
4.99 /month


All you need for your personal projects

  • Clicks: 1000
  • Organizations: 1
  • Members: 0
19.99 /month


Ideal to kickstart your startup venture

  • Clicks: 10k
  • Organizations: 1
  • Members: 1
49.99 /month


Perfect for fast growing startups

  • Clicks: 50k
  • Organizations: 3
  • Members: 3
149.99 /month


A plan for full-grown business

  • Clicks: 100k
  • Organizations: 5
  • Members: 5
299.99 /month


For the big players

  • Clicks: 250k
  • Organizations: Unlimited
  • Members: Unlimited

Need more quota?

Request a custom tailored plan

    Or start a 7-days trial period

    Not sure which plan is the best for your business? Don't worry, we offer a 7-days trial period.

    Try now (No credit card required)

    Frequently asked

    Do you offer a free plan?

    At the moment we do not offer a free plan, but maybe in the future we will.

    What happens after the trial?

    After the trial period of 7 days you'll need to choose the plan that best suits to your business, and all the links will be disabled.

    How clicks are counted?

    You can create unlimited number of links, but we count only when someone clicks on one of your links.

    What is an organizations?

    An organization can be anything from personal, departments or a company. Each organization has an unique slug which will represent your organization and can be associated with any link within the organization.

    Who are members?

    The owner of an organization can invite its employees, partners, or friends to manage the organization and they are called members. Each member can be assigned with different permission roles.

    Do I need a paid plan to join an organization?

    No, after your trial period expires you still will be able to manage the organization you have been invited.

    What happens when I reach the clicks limit?

    When this happens there is a bonus which allows your account to operate normally, but if this happens too frequently your account will be frozen and you'll need to upgrade to a bigger plan.